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Writer's picturePatricia Anglin

The Half Way Check In


If you are anything like me, you set some New Year’s Resolutions and haven’t done all you planned on doing. Welcome to the party. We have great intentions, but sometimes the intentions get side railed. Maybe your goals were too lofty so you’ve thrown the towel in and decided to wait till next year to tackle the plan, kind of like you did last year. If you’re thinking you failed again or that you’ll never be able to do it . . . STOP! You are no different than any of us. We all want more and we all fall short at some time or another.

Don't Give Up!

Progress is progress even if it is just a little bit. Just because you’ve fallen short on a goal, does not mean you should give up on it. You just have to readjust your plan. What better time to do it than at the halfway point? Make some of the steps easier or maybe fewer. Instead of saying you’ll lose 30 pounds by summer, look at what you lost (before you gave up) and decide what IS possible. If you lost 2 of the 5 pounds in the first month, use that as your new base. What were you doing when you lost those two pounds? Adjust and start again because if you stay on that same track from now until the end of the year, in December you could lose 12 pounds and that’s a heck of a lot better than giving up and putting more weight on and trying it again in January. As long as you keep trying, some good will come. Just don’t give up.

Be Proud of Yourself

On the other hand, maybe you made it easy for yourself and you already completed everything you said you’d do. Clearly, you didn’t challenge yourself if you fall in this group. Make it worth your time. Pick something you really want or have dreamed about doing and push yourself so you will be proud to say, I did it. Take your goal and break it down into six steps (July-December). Then take each one and break it down into 4 weekly goals. You can do it.

Life Happens

Don’t be tough on yourself. We all need to tweak our goals at different times throughout the year in order to move forward. But don’t give up on them. If it’s not perfect, learn from the failed attempts and celebrate the victories. During the rough patches, re-adjust and keep going. Your goals are a work in progress. Look at what was working during the good times and step back when you fall short. Acknowledge what got you off track and remember shit happens. Let’s face it ladies, we’re not perfect. Life happens, family visits, and the refrigerator breaks. So what! Whatever the reason, just get back on track. If your goals are too challenging, cut them in half. But don’t give up.

From My Heart to Yours ~ You Got This!


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